Template - Download file size is too large
Bret Mette
2014-06-14 17:13:43 UTC
Hey Everyone,

I keep getting this error when CloudStack attempts to download a template I
have registered.

The template file itself is 50GB and my storage.max.volume.upload.size is
set to 500, which it states is in GBs according to the global settings. I
have plenty of secondary and primary storage space (not that primary should
matter in this case).

Anyone else experienced this? How did you resolve it?

The last time this happened it was during time crunch and I ended up doing
everything (including the db entries) by hand. However, now that I have the
time to resolve this properly I would like to do so (also doing it by hand
again sound miserable).

Thank you in advance

- Bret
Shweta Agarwal
2014-06-16 05:43:21 UTC
I think its better if you change the value of max.template.iso.size (The maximum size for a downloaded template or ISO (in GB)) parameter . Its value is set to 50 by default.

And then try to register your template.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bret Mette [mailto:***@dbihosting.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2014 10:44 PM
To: ***@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Template - Download file size is too large

Hey Everyone,

I keep getting this error when CloudStack attempts to download a template I have registered.

The template file itself is 50GB and my storage.max.volume.upload.size is set to 500, which it states is in GBs according to the global settings. I have plenty of secondary and primary storage space (not that primary should matter in this case).

Anyone else experienced this? How did you resolve it?

The last time this happened it was during time crunch and I ended up doing everything (including the db entries) by hand. However, now that I have the time to resolve this properly I would like to do so (also doing it by hand again sound miserable).

Thank you in ad
Bret Mette
2014-06-16 06:13:40 UTC
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Nitin Mehta
2014-06-16 20:41:50 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
Bret Mette
2014-06-16 20:51:42 UTC
I changed it and it worked. But what is the storage.max.volume.upload.size setting for?

- Bret
Post by Bret Mette
Nitin Mehta
2014-06-17 00:23:48 UTC
You can upload data volumes into CS and this config is used for defining
the max size of the volume you can upload.
Post by Bret Mette
I changed it and it worked. But what is the
storage.max.volume.upload.size setting for?
- Bret
Post by Bret Mette
2014-08-20 06:18:31 UTC
Post by Nitin Mehta
You can upload data volumes into CS and this config is used for defining
the max size of the volume you can upload.

1) So storage.max.volume.upload.size config is used for defining the max
size of the volume that we can upload. Is this same for uploading template
and ISO?

2) If not, max.template.iso.size config will define the max size of the
template and ISO that we can upload?

3) What about storage.max.volume.size ? will this config play role while
uploading volume, template and ISO?

Harikrishna Patnala
2014-08-20 08:58:13 UTC

answers inline.

Post by rahul
Post by Nitin Mehta
You can upload data volumes into CS and this config is used for defining
the max size of the volume you can upload.
1) So storage.max.volume.upload.size config is used for defining the max
size of the volume that we can upload. Is this same for uploading template
and ISO?
No, this parameter is used only for volumes
Post by rahul
2) If not, max.template.iso.size config will define the max size of the
template and ISO that we can upload?
Yes, this is used while registering template, copying template.
Post by rahul
3) What about storage.max.volume.size ? will this config play role while
uploading volume, template and ISO?
No, this parameter is used while creating disk offering and creating virtual machine to check the disk size parameter value provided as a parameter.
Post by rahul
cloud rahul
2014-08-20 11:45:24 UTC
Hello Harikrishna,

Thank you very much :)

I would like to discuss one more question.

Process of uploading volume, template and ISO will copy files to Secondary
Storage. So what do you think about, what parameter may cause timeout
before completion of process apart from network related issues? I do not
think so. what do you say?


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Harikrishna Patnala <
Post by Harikrishna Patnala
answers inline.
Post by rahul
Post by Nitin Mehta
You can upload data volumes into CS and this config is used for defining
the max size of the volume you can upload.
1) So storage.max.volume.upload.size config is used for defining the max
size of the volume that we can upload. Is this same for uploading
Post by rahul
and ISO?
No, this parameter is used only for volumes
Post by rahul
2) If not, max.template.iso.size config will define the max size of the
template and ISO that we can upload?
Yes, this is used while registering template, copying template.
Post by rahul
3) What about storage.max.volume.size ? will this config play role while
uploading volume, template and ISO?
No, this parameter is used while creating disk offering and creating
virtual machine to check the disk size parameter value provided as a
Post by rahul